Genealogy Family Tree

Barbara Schweitzer is a member of both the Association of Professional Genealogists and the Florida State Genealogical Society. She is highly skilled and qualified to assist you in your search for people previously thought to be long lost. In fact while doing her own genealogical research she discovered that she is related to Abraham Lincoln, and is also qualified to be a member of the DAR, the Daughters of the American Revolution!

Many of our clients need help completing their personal genealogical puzzle and Tiger Trace has helped them find the missing pieces.

Genealogy Family Tree - Contact us for more information.

Tiger Trace Investigations, an investigative agency, licensed in Florida and conducting business world-wide.

Florida Agency License Number A-9700-251

© 2017 - Tiger Trace Investigations

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Direct Contact details:

Phone: 954.721.1000
Tollfree: 855.844.3701
Fax: 855 - 844-3711


Tiger Trace Investigations
7154 N University Drive #310
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33321

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Tel: 954.721.1000