Real Estate Research

Barbara Monaldi Schweitzer, the president of Tiger Trace Investigations has been a Florida Real Estate Broker for over 30 years. She is the daughter of a well-known Chicago area real estate developer, Al Monaldi. Real estate is part of who she is.

As owner of Tiger Trace Investigations, Barbara has conducted many real estate investigations for both corporate and individual clients. Barbara's vast experience in real estate transactions gives Tiger Trace a leg up on the competition. We can assist you with any real estate investigation. Please click on the link below so we can start your investigation.

Real Estate Research - Contact us for more information.

Finding the best Real Estate Agent

Barbara Monaldi Schweitzer with her experience and expertise as an active long-time Real Estate Broker and Private Investigator knows what you need.

You need a real estate agent who is competent, trustworthy, reliable, and easy to deal with. In a perfect world all agents would meet that criteria but the reality is most don’t. What Barbara will do for you is recommend a real estate agent that meets all of these criteria and more…

Contact us today for more information. Or fill out the quick form below.

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Tiger Trace Investigations, an investigative agency, licensed in Florida and conducting business world-wide.

Florida Agency License Number A-9700-251

© 2017 - Tiger Trace Investigations

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Direct Contact details:

Phone: 954-721-1000
Tollfree: 855-844-3701
Fax: 855 - 844-3711


Tiger Trace Investigations
7154 N University Drive #310
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33321

Connect with us

Tel: 954.721.1000